Javascript SDK


Multiple applications

If you have multiple applications, you can use API_KEY to identify each application.

For example, you can use API_KEY = "test" for your test app and API_KEY = "app1" for production app.

Opt users out of tracking

To disable tracking for a user, you can set optOut to true. If optOut is true, events aren't sent to the server. Default value of optOut is false.

Device fingerprinting

To disable device fingerprinting, you can set fingerprinting to false. If set to false, the SDK doesn't generate fingerprint. Default value is true.

import * as airblock from "@airblock/js-sdk";
const API_KEY = "app1"; // required
const SERVER_URL = "https://..."; // required
airblock.init(API_KEY, SERVER_URL, {
	optOut: false
	fingerprinting: true