Javascript SDK
Default Web2 Events

Default Web2 Events

Session Start

The SDK sends session_start event at the start of each session. The SDK auto-detects wallets installed in the user's browser.

    "uuid": "916be96d-4b92-4391-89d4-c1288bb2acc6",
    "event_time": 1687431893993,
    "event_type": "session_start",
    "user_properties": { "sdk_ver": "0.1.1", "wallets": ["metamask"] }

Web Attribution

The SDK sends attribution event at the start of each session or whenever there's a change in the attribution parameters within a session. To learn more, see code here (opens in a new tab) and here (opens in a new tab).

    "uuid": ,
    "event_time": ,
    "event_type": "attribution",
    "event_properties": {
      "page_url": ,
      "referrer": ,
      "referring_domain": ,
      "utm_source": ,
      "utm_medium": ,
      "utm_campaign": ,
      "utm_content": ,
      "utm_term": ,

Device Fingerprint

The SDK generates and sends device fingerprint event at the start of each session. The SDK uses fingerprintjs (opens in a new tab) library to generate device fingerprint. To learn more, see code (opens in a new tab).

To disable fingerprinting, see Configuration.

    "uuid": ,
    "event_time": ,
    "event_type": "fingerprint",
    "user_properties": {
      "architecture": ,
      "audio": ,
      "canvas_hash": {},
      "colorDepth": ,
      "colorGamut": ,
      "contrast": ,
      "cookiesEnabled": ,
      "deviceMemory": ,
      "fontPreferences": {},
      "fonts": [],
      "forcedColors": ,
      "hardwareConcurrency": ,
      "hdr": ,
      "indexedDB": ,
      "languages": [],
      "localStorage": ,
      "math": {},
      "monochrome": 0,
      "openDatabase": ,
      "pdfViewerEnabled": ,
      "platform": ,
      "plugins": [],
      "reducedMotion": ,
      "screenFrame": [],
      "screenResolution": [],
      "sessionStorage": ,
      "timezone": "",
      "touchSupport": {},
      "vendor": "",
      "vendorFlavors": [],
      "videoCard": {},
      "visitorId": ""